Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 12

And today I was slapped in the face (so to speak) with the fact that my body likes simple, nutritious foods.  I just need to commit to paying attention to those communications.  And I need to refocus my energy on eating better.

Breakfast was a smoothie.
Lunch was a ham and cheese sandwich on GF bread, an apple with almond butter.
Dinner was Mexican food at a restaurant.  Chips, yep.  Gooey cheese enchiladas, you bet.  White rice, for sure.  Refried beans, absolutely.  Digestion issues an hour later, unfortunately :(

So it always comes back to motivation, time and effort.
Why do I eat the things I do?

My health coach friend that I did the detox with previously, she told me to come up with what my future looks like with better eating.  What would better eating do for me?  What would it do for my family?  How would it affect my health and attitude?

I think it is time to take a look at that.  I won't get there today, but I will start the conversation with myself.

Gluten free.  I find myself less bloated with less gluten.  Or is it because I eat less carbs when I am watching the gluten.  This is something to investigate. 

Dairy.  I have known dairy to be problematic for quite some time.  Milk definitely sours my stomach.  Ice cream, sour cream and yogurt, as well, though I can tolerate them in small amounts.  Cheese doesn't seem to have too much of an affect, as long as I am not overdoing the dairy in another way. 

Sugar.  I get huge cravings for sugar if I start indulging.  I also start craving saltier snacks with the sweets.  So I am really better off staying away from the sweets.  There is an exception, when the sweet is mildly sweet and loaded with healthy fats/proteins, which fill me up, then it doesn't really seem to bother me nearly as much.

What does my life look like if I avoid these 3 foods?  I think I am feeling less bloated and more energetic.  My skin doesn't break out nearly as often.  My hormones stay more balanced, and everything more regulated. 

Those are all really good things.  Why do I fight them?

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